The Federated Charities Corporation of Frederick
22 South Market St., Suite 1
Frederick, MD 21701
(301) 662-1561
Elin Ross
Executive Director
Year organization became a 501(c)(3): 1994
Year of first fiscal sponsorship: 2017
Number of sponsored projects: 6
Fiscal sponsorship fee:
Sliding scale, dependent on complexity of project, 6%-21%
Eligibility criteria:
- Aligned mission values
- Must be located in Maryland and have a significant service population in Frederick County, MD
Types of projects or services we sponsor:
- Arts and culture
- Children, youth and families
- Disaster relief
- Drug treatment
- Economic development
- Education
- Environment/sustainable growth
- Faith-based/religious
- Festivals and events
- Food insecurity/Nutrition
- Health
- Homelessness
- Housing
- International development
- Mental health
- Open space/Parks
- People or communities of color/minorities
- Political advocacy/social justice
- Social services
- Transportation
- Veterans
- Women
- Youth development
Services we offer projects:
- Bookkeeping/accounting
- Office space
- Organizational development
- Tax reporting
Based on Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right: Our model(s) of fiscal sponsorship are:
- Model C, Preapproved Grant Relationship
Organization description:
As part of our activities as a nonprofit center, we offer fiscal sponsorship primarily to new and emerging 501C3 organizations although we have also provided sponsorship to private, project-based activities that want to direct their proceeds to local nonprofit organizations.