Create Wisconsin
Box 1054
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 255-8316
Anne Katz
Executive Director
Year organization became a 501(c)(3): 1994
Year of first fiscal sponsorship: 1999
Number of sponsored projects: 20+
Fiscal sponsorship fee:
5% of all monies received plus any online platform fees
Eligibility criteria:
- Aligned mission/values: Community-based arts access, education, engagement and outreach
- Geographic: Wisconsin
- Other: Create Wisconsin acts as fiscal receiver for Wisconsin-based arts projects, providing tax-exempt benefits for individual donations, grants and contributions. Our program is open and accessible to artists, creative entrepreneurs and arts businesses nationwide and in every discipline, who are working on projects and programs that take place in and benefit Wisconsin. (In other words, we provide the service primarily for Wisconsin-based projects, but we also provide the service for projects run by people who live in other states, but are doing specific work in Wisconsin.) We don’t judge your work’s artistic quality or merit; that’s for others to decide. Our job is to give you the tools you need to raise the money to make it happen.
Types of projects or services we sponsor:
- Arts and culture: all arts disciplines
- Economic development: relating to creative and cultural development
- Education: arts and creativity in education
- Festivals and events: all arts disciplines
- Social services: arts access, engagement, education and outreach
Services we offer projects:
- Bookkeeping/accounting
- Insurance
- Organizational development
Based on Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right: Our model(s) of fiscal sponsorship are:
- Model C, Preapproved Grant Relationship
Organization description:
Create Wisconsin is the cultural development organization for the state’s communities. The organization’s mission is to speak up, advocate for and advance the arts, creativity and culture throughout Wisconsin — it connects and serves the wide-ranging, diverse and creative constituency of people, organizations and communities, making the arts come alive in every corner of Wisconsin. More information about the arts, culture, and creativity in Wisconsin and Create Wisconsin at