Global Peace Media
147 Surrey Court
Ramsey, NJ 07446
(201) 962-3841
Azarra Anna
CEO and Founder
Year organization became a 501(c)(3): 1993
Year of first fiscal sponsorship: 2019
Number of sponsored projects: 12
Fiscal sponsorship fee:
Standard and current fee is 5%, but fees are negotiable.
Eligibility criteria:
- Aligned mission values
- Other: We will sponsor any group helping to create a healthier and better world.
Types of projects or services we sponsor:
- Arts and culture
- Children, youth and families
- Disaster relief
- Drug treatment
- Economic development
- Education
- Environment/sustainable growth
- Faith-based/religious
- Festivals and events
- Health/nutrition
- Housing
- International development
- Mental health
- People or communities of color/minorities
- Political advocacy/social justice
- Social services
- Transportation
- Veterans
- Women
- Youth development
- Services we offer projects:
- Receiving property and stock donations
Based on Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right: Our model(s) of fiscal sponsorship are:
- Model B, Independent Contractor Project
- Model C, Preapproved Grant Relationship
Organization description:
Global Peace Media is a multicultural organization that produces TV/radio/video programs that highlight economic, social and environmental justice problems, present solutions to fix those problems and encourage all to take action to create a better world. Our achievements include the ground-breaking TV series “Global Vision” and the production and broadcasting of more than 500 shows. We will consider serving as a fiscal sponsor for projects that are aligned with our mission. Projects, which need not be media related, remain their own separate entity. Global Peace Media assures that the money donated to the project is being used to accomplish tax-exempt purposes. The project/group, however, is responsible for its own tax reporting and liability issues.