Charity Music, Inc.
14975 Congress Drive
Sterling Heights, MI 48313-4420
(586) 247-7444
Roger Fachini, Sr.
Year organization became a 501(c)(3): 2005
Year of first fiscal sponsorship: 2007
Number of sponsored projects: 6
Fiscal sponsorship fee:
5% to 10% of all incoming funds, based on scope of project.
Eligibility criteria:
- Aligned mission/values: Music, youth, military
- Geographic: State of Michigan only
- Type of service
- Other: Active board member participation
Types of projects or services we sponsor:
- Arts and culture
- Children, youth and families: Homeless students
- Disaster relief
- Economic development
- Festivals and events: Charity Music is an active member of the Michigan Festival and Events Association
- Youth development
Services we offer projects:
- Auditing
- Bill paying
- Bookkeeping/accounting
- Computer IT
- Office space
- Organizational development
- Receiving property and stock donations
Based on Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right: Our model(s) of fiscal sponsorship are:
- Model A, Direct Project
Organization description:
Charity Music is a 501(c)(3) EIN 20-2155382 public charity whose mission is to provide musical instruments and entertainment to at-risk youth and our military.