Women in Film & Video

Women in Film & Video

1200 18th St. NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C.  20036
(202) 429-9438
Website: www.wifv.org

Melissa Houghton
Executive Director

Year organization became a 501(c)(3): 1979
Year of first fiscal sponsorship: 2008
Number of sponsored projects: 32

Fiscal sponsorship fee:

Eligibility criteria:

  • Aligned mission/values: women in decision-making roles for film production and/or women-centric stories
  • Other: We only sponsor media projects. At least one person on the decision-making team has to be a WIFV member.

Types of projects or services we sponsor:

  • Other: media production and distribution

Services we offer projects:

  • Bill paying
  • Bookkeeping/accounting
  • Organizational development
  • Receiving property and stock donations
  • Other: Direct mentorship to project directors, proposal and budget review and much more

Based on Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right: Our model(s) of fiscal sponsorship are:

  • Model B, Independent Contractor Project
  • Model C, Preapproved Grant Relationship

Organization description:
Women in Film & Video (WIFV) provides educational and networking opportunities for screen-based media makers, celebrates women’s creative and technical achievements in media, and advocates for parity both in front of and behind the camera to ensure that all voices can be heard.